2021 Goal Getting


Goal planner for 2021 Goal Setting to Goal Getting and what you need to do first. I recently listened to a few very informative and inspiring podcasts and it gave me the idea to share some ideas on how to set your goals for 2021 and have the best year ever. Here's some advice: It's…

4 Keys to Healthfulness

Hi readers, I read this article by Kathleen M. Zelman, MPH, RD, LD and wanted to share her very important behaviors with you, especially during stressful times. Photo by Trang Doan on Pexels.com 10 Healthy behaviors (beyond the four basics) that contribute to wellness and satisfaction with one's lifestyle: Brush and floss daily to keep your teeth and…

4 Pillars to a meaningful life

Greetings readers, today I want to share a short but meaningful article written by Emily Esfahani Smith. Being happy is the goal in life, isn’t it? Isn’t that what we all aim for? For most people it looks something like this: good grades, popularity at school, good education, great job, ideal life partner, beautiful home,…